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A Sensual Saturday Page 4

  Instead, Zelda sat close to Scott, cuddling, showering him with affection and attention, carefully steering the conversation and topics away from sex. Truthfully, she knew it was nothing more than a tease for the man. As soon as he got her alone, he would more than likely wear her completely out. That portion she was looking forward to, but that as well would have to happen when the family was not inside of the house. Scott was noisy when he made love. With the way he made her body react to his every move, she soon joined him in the foray, which Pip said sounded like mating time in the Amazon Rainforest.

  “Scott, we will need to be careful,” she told him, touching his hand as Alexandria announced their arrival at Tulum Airport, twelve miles outside Quintana Roo, Mexico.

  “Baby, this is a reserved part of Mexico. There isn’t a lot of tourism here or drunken fools to be robbed,” he told her.

  “Not that kind of careful,” she said, whispering and arching her eyebrows.

  “Oh, are we worried about getting pregnant before the nuptials?” he asked waggling his brows.

  “Seriously, is sex the only thing on your mind,” she said, but the expression on his face made her hit him playfully. “Not that...I mean, when we know what I mean... when we do, we have to be careful with that portion as well. What I’m trying to say is that you do realize it has been over a month since we were last together.”

  “Yes, and so do parts of my body. Hell, as backed up as I am, we really may need to be careful so you don’t get pregnant before the day is over. I feel like I can do some damage to you just on the first round,” he said, chuckling.

  “Man, you don’t even know what damage is until I’m done with you. The Chinese split is going to be the first thing I put on you,” she said, leaning in real close to nibble on his neck.

  “What’s going to be the last thing?”

  Zelda winked at him, trying to get him to focus on what she was trying to tell him. “Scott, when we are going at it, we can be rather noisy. I don’t want your parents to think we are together because I’m doing, you know, sexy, crazy stuff with you to make you love me,” she said.

  “ there another reason I’m supposed to be in love with you?” He asked, still chuckling.

  “Aren’t you just the funny man,” she said as the plane touched down in Tulum. Alexandria brought the plane to a smooth stop as Chandler did the checks and opened the door. Waiting outside for them at the airport was a mid-sized black sedan, and Scott threw his suitcase into the boot of the vehicle followed by Chandler’s luggage. Alexandria didn’t say if she would join them later. Zelda and Scott sat in the back seat with Diamond and Chandler rode shot gun.

  The twenty mile drive to the Berger Estate in Akumal on back roads went a great deal smoother than Zelda expected. The palm trees billowed in the gentle winds from the Caribbean waters as if they were waving them into the Villa.

  “Scott, what do you do while you are here in Mexico on this family vacation?” Zelda asked.

  “We all get one day each with our parents to do whatever we want,” he said, grinning. “The grandkids are now included, which is why it is seven days. There is one day which is a craft day, and everyone has to teach the family a quick craft using whatever the material is for the year.”

  “This year it is yarn,” Chandler said, turning in the seat.


  “Yep. You have an hour or less to share with the family an easy craft that they can do with yarn. I know it is nuts, but we came here one year and I kid you not, it rained for like four days straight. We nearly drove my parents bonkers. The only thing they had, and please don’t laugh, was a bunch of popsicle sticks. We got creative. After that, Mom made it an annual thing,” Scott said.

  “I have been scouring Pinterest looking for mine,” Chandler said, and I think I found something,” Chandler said.

  “Good. I am still looking, but I think I may win the prize this year,” Scott said laughing.

  “Oh, there is a prize?” Zelda asked, her interest piqued.

  “Yes, a two-hundred-dollar gift card, plus a private week at the house,” he said. “We share the property with all the Bergers, so there is a calendar. My Dad has it all this quarter and again in the Spring. The kids get to come and join them for a week, but any time during the quarter we can come down.”

  “That’s pretty cool,” Zelda said.

  “So is my family, although they are a bit eccentric,” he said wistfully.

  She didn’t want to take him at his word since before he’d said they were crazy, and now all of a sudden, they were cool. Her mouth opened as they pulled up to the white stucco three-story villa home. The double sized front door had to have been the largest front door she’d ever seen in her life, opened wide to reveal an older man, a woman, and two pre-teen kids. The closer they got to the front door, the harder it was for Zelda not to burst out in laughter. Scott looked just like his father.

  So did his sister Sarah.

  Bucked teeth, hairy arms and legs, and thick glasses, and the woman had the nerve to have on a sundress. She looked like a female Yeti dressed for a Sunday meeting with the local book club. The wide-brimmed hat did little to shield the oversize glasses or downplay the teeth that did not allow her mouth to close all the way.

  Other small details Zelda took notice of immediately as Scott took his own luggage from the trunk of the car. Chandler didn’t wait for him as he stepped up on the porch and was embraced by both of Scott’s parents.

  “Chandler, I don’t want my day with you to be something that is going throw my hip out this year,” Krista Berger said to the man.

  “Yes, Mom. I have something so much more fun for us to do this time,” Chandler told her.

  “What about me, son? What is on your list for me and you this year?” Jacob Berger asked Chandler.

  “An amazing day, Dad. You are going to love it,” Chandler said, moving past the parents to hug an older black man in a Hawaiian shirt. Zelda figured that must be Grayson. Chandler ruffled the kid’s hair, moving past them heading towards his room to decompress, change, and relax. She noticed that he only nodded at Sarah, skirting around her to go into the home.

  Zelda held Scott’s hand as they stepped onto the oversized porch. She was nervous and poor Diamond needed water and to be walked. However, first thing was first. She was going to meet his parents in the flesh.

  “Mom, Dad, this is Zelda Fitzsimmons,” he said. “Zelda, allow me to introduce you to my parents Jacob and Krista Berger, my niece Misha, and her brother Robert.”

  He said the name Robert with a French pronunciation of Ro-ber. Zelda accepted the handshake from Jacob, but Krista pulled her in for a hug. A big Momma-missed you-so-much hug, which made Zelda melt into the embrace. She released Zelda to give Scott the same hug that she’d given to her and to Chandler.

  “Zelda, I want you to get used to calling me, Mom. If that is that okay with you?” Krista asked her. The gentle brown eyes hid no ill intentions as the salt and peppered bob that framed her face gave a matronly glow of acceptance, Krista Berger was well-toned. Her arms, the shapely muscle tone revealed by her white sleeveless blouse, demonstrated well-shaped muscles in her upper arms—little colorful flowers adorned the collar of the top as if it were purchased at a local shop— and her calves and thighs were noticeable in the shorts she wore.

  “I’m okay with it if you are,” Zelda said, returning the warm smile.

  “Where’s your luggage?” Krista wanted to know.

  “Mom, I kind of kidnapped her from her office. I will have to take her shopping for clothing and girl stuff,” Scott said with a grin.

  “Nonsense!” Krista said. “Zelda, you are first up anyway tomorrow for our day together, so we will make it a shopping one. In the meantime, there are clothes around this house with price tags still on them, so you should be able to find a swimsuit and basic necessities. Stop standing on the porch and come on in.”

  The 8,000-square foot home held six bedrooms, each with a private bath. The master suite on the first floor is where his parents camped out. The elevator, a very modern amenity, led to the three bedrooms on the first level and two master bedrooms on the second level. The beautiful marble floors held Zelda’s attention as she made her made her way to the kitchen, her heels clicking on the floor as she allowed her fingers to run over the yellow shiny quartz countertop island and a wooden dining room table which comfortably seated twelve. The patio called to her as she opened the sliding door, letting Diamond out of her carrier, watching the little pup run free, wetting everything she sniffed with her tiny little dog bottom.

  A throat could be heard clearing behind her as she turned slowly to find an older version of her big hairy guy standing next to her. “Hello, Mr. Berger,” she said. “I am waiting for Diamond to finish her business.”

  “I see,” he said somberly. Jacob Berger wore a pair of loose-fitting khaki shorts, showing off hairy legs, and feet stuffed in a pair of multi-colored huaraches. An island shirt in soft blue moved in the gentle wind, giving her a whiff of a subtle cologne which was manly but not overpowering. The bucked teeth hung over his bottom lip, and a large hair-covered hand pushed up the thick glasses which perched on the end of his nose as if making a feeble attempt to escape the bushy, hairy, caterpillar-like eyebrows.

  Zelda remained quiet, waiting for him to say something awkward that would make her hate him for the rest of her life. He cleared his throat again. She knew, much like Scott, he was searching for the right words to say to her in a particular order.

  “It is the Berger tradition on this trip that every family member spends a day with Mom and Dad, which means you will get a day with me,” he said, clearing his throat again. “I have here a brochure of local activities, sites, and potential adventures we could undertake on our fun day out. I call it A Day Out with Dad. I don’t really care for water sports or any kind of sports for that matter, but if you are willing, I guess I could be as well.”

  “Please tell me, Mr. Berger, what is in your wheelhouse of comfort?” she asked him, taking a closer look at the man Scott spoke of with reverence.

  “I truly appreciate a cenote expedition,” he said, smiling, showing off the bucked teeth. “Do you know what that is?”

  “A cenote is the opening of a cavern, correct?”

  “Correct! Semi-correct! It is more of an opening in a limestone deposit, usually filled with water in some of the most scenic locations. They have located quite a few natural ones here in the Yucatan Valley. They are most exciting for a day trip with a group. We can take swimsuits to cool off in the natural pools before coming back and even pack a lunch to take with us,” Jacob said.

  “I would love that,” Zelda said, feeling comfortable with the man.

  “Good. Good. I look forward to learning more about you and getting to know you this week. Welcome,” Jacob said, walking away.

  She stood still, enjoying the picturesque view on the back patio, but a gust of warm air touched her arm like the breath of a tall dog. Zelda jumped when she turned to find Misha standing so close that if Zelda had backed up, she would have knocked Misha down.

  “Hello there,” Zelda said to the girl. She didn’t say anything back. “Do you like my puppy? Her name is Diamond.”

  “I have a question,” Misha said.

  “Hopefully I have an answer,” Zelda said with some pep in her voice.

  “I saw you kiss Uncle Scott on stage at the Vent Conference,” Misha said quietly. “You like him a lot, don’t you?”

  “Actually, I’m in love with your Uncle Scott,” she said, softly waiting for the question. She arched one well-manicured eyebrow to the little girl in askance.

  “Is Uncle Scott hairy like that all over or just his arms?” Misha asked.

  Zelda blinked several times, thinking she’d misheard the child, but before she could answer, Robert, snuck up on the other side of her, standing so close, he could sniff her boob.

  “My mom is hairy like that all over. Even her butt is hairy. I saw it once when she was going to shower. My dad likes it, though,” Robert said. “They think when we go to sleep, no one can hear him in there making Wookie sounds.”

  Misha made the sound like a Wookie.

  Robert asked, “Does Uncle Scott make the Wookie sounds as a mating call to you as well lady?”

  “SCOTT!!!!!” Zelda yelled out.

  His head snapped up, and he saw her flanked by his niece and nephew. He grabbed a dish towel from the kitchen, running over, shooing them off like little buzzards gathered around a festering carcass. Robert ran off, making Wookie sounds, and Misha played keep away with Scott, sticking her tongue out at him each time he tried to snap at her with the towel.

  “Shoo!” Scott said, snapping the towel and Misha ran away.

  “I am not ready to deal with those two,” Zelda said, laughing.

  “Neither is their mother. They are weird ass kids, even by Berger standards,” Scott said as his sister, the children’s mother, came through the door. Sarah Berger Bailey was the spitting image of her father all the way down to the glasses and hairy arms. She even had hairy arms pits that showed the lack of shaving in the bright sundress she wore. Sarah Berger Bailey was the mirror female replica of her father and up close, she was so unattractive that she bordered on cute, like a big pet kind of cute.

  “Those are some interesting stockings she’s wearing,” Zelda said.

  Scott shook his head no. “Those aren’t stockings,” he said, frowning.

  “Yeesh,” Zelda said, shuddering that a woman’s legs could be that hairy. If her legs were that hairy, she hoped and prayed she didn’t put on a swimsuit. Sarah’s husband also came into the room. He looked, well, rather normal to Zelda.

  “That’s nothing−wait until you have a conversation with that guy. He really gives me the creeps,” Scott said. “Let me introduce you formally, and I will show you to our room.”

  Sarah wasn’t very friendly or eager to meet Zelda. The cold shoulder she received didn’t bother Zelda too much. Sarah was only being protective of her brother. She knew that look all too well.

  This was her week to get to know them all.

  No fear.

  I can do this.

  I am moving forward.

  ALEXI BAILEY, SARAH’S husband, was a very attractive man, which is where Zelda assumed the kids got their looks. He was every inch of six feet with thick blonde hair, dazzling blue eyes, and a 1,000-watt, perfect-toothed smile. The corners of his eyes crinkled when he smiled, which was often, at his wife. It was obvious the love he had for her since he couldn’t keep his hands off her hairy body. Every few minutes he touched her arm or cheek or found an excuse to run his hand across her barely-there ass. Sarah seemed oblivious to it all, not reacting to the constant contact with her husband of fifteen years.

  “Zelda, welcome to the family,” Alexi said, looking at her in the eyes as if he were a human lie detector.

  “Thank you, Alexi. I am looking forward to getting to know everyone over the next few days,” she said, returning his smile, but not showing too much of her own teeth. Her grandmother’s words haunted her about giving a man too many teeth when talking to him. “It confuses them on your level of interest,” Grandma Lula told her.

  “It is going to be nice to have someone else to talk to that is not family. I am usually the odd man out every year, so I look forward to hanging with you and Scott,” he said. “He and I are not very close, so hopefully, we can do some sort of couple activity, and I can finally break through with him.”

  Zelda felt his desire was not for some sort of gain, but a sincere hope to connect. She thought about her therapist and instead of hiding behind her unspoken words, this time she said what was on her mind.

  “Alexi, Scott is a pretty straightforward kind of man. If he has not connected with you in all of these years, there must be a reason,” she said.

  “Fetishes,” Alexi said. “He is concerned about my fetishes.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “My family are circus know the name. I grew up around circus people and became comfortable with oddities and well, circus freaks. He has always felt my love for his sister was because of the ridiculous amount of hair she has covering her body,” Alexi said with a straight face.

  Zelda’s face nearly cracked in disbelief of his honesty. “Is that a correct assessment?”

  “Oh, yeah,” he said looking at his wife and licking his lips lasciviously. “It’s like making love to a Wookie and humping my own personal teddy bear.”

  “Overshare. Overshare. TMI,” Zelda said, laughing. She had to laugh because her first time with Scott she felt the same way. She even told him so, stating the feel of all of his chest hair on her nipples turned her on. It was like fucking a giant teddy bear.

  “Sorry, but I figured that’s why you were with Scott. You know, you dig all the hair as a turn on,” Alexi said with his cheeks pinking.

  “I’m with Scott because he just happens to be one of the nicest, coolest, and most sincere men I have ever met in my life. I fell in love with him so easily, especially after he taught me to swim in his pond. You see, I have a fear of water,” she said.

  “Interesting,” he said pausing. “So, the hair doesn’t turn you on even a little?”

  “That is a very personal question,” she said, her own cheeks growing warm, but in the interest of fairness, she answered him. “Initially no, but...well, yeah.”

  They both laughed a bit, getting past the awkward moment.

  “Tell me one other thing, Zelda Fitzsimmons,” he said, facing her with that charming smile. She stiffened, hoping he wasn’t going to get more personal.

  “Shoot,” she replied, trying to sound casual.

  “Do you play chess or backgammon?”

  The change in subject was a pleasant surprise. “I play both actually,” she said, thinking of the cold nights she and Michael would stay up, unable to sleep, challenging each other in the games of strategy.