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A Sensual Saturday Page 3

  “My man is worthy,” Zelda said, smiling.

  “He must also believe you are capable because he gave you something which weighs less than five pounds to care for and raise,” she said. “He trusts you to do what is best for the dog, which means he will also trust you to do what is best for your children when the time comes.”

  “I guess. I am worried about all the other stuff in my past that will prevent me from being free,” Zelda said.

  “Oh Bullshit! In order for you to give Diamond that type of care and attention, someone in your childhood gave it to you. Whoever it was explained to you in detail each time you were on an outing where you were, how long you were going to be there, and why you were visiting the place you didn’t want to be. That person showed you love and care,” Dr. DeNoid told her.

  “Michael,” Zelda whispered. It didn’t matter where they were, a grocery store, the Doctor’s office, or even at Grandma Lula’s, he took the time to explain the details and the why.

  “Is Michael your boyfriend?”

  Zelda smiled. “No, he is my brother and my guardian as we grew up without our parents,” she said.

  “Michael taught you how to love and to love others, Ms. Fitzsimmons. It is up to you to let go and share that love with those who are willing to freely love you,” Dr. DeNoid told her.

  The weight of the albatross around her neck seemed to become buoyant as she listened, processed, and took it all in. She had been lying to herself that she was incapable, inept, or unable to freely love without boundaries. It took a stranger to tell her the obvious.

  “Thank you,” Zelda said.

  “Don’t thank me yet. We have only scratched the surface, but now that you know the only thing holding you back is fear, I would like to work with on your journey to the now, versus you living in the past,” Dr. DeNoid told her.

  “Okay,” Zelda said, looking at the puppy, who stopped to show its master that it had suddenly discovered how to make the ball roll across the floor. Diamond waited for acknowledgment of her new discovery by her master and the praise which would result in a little bit of meat as a treat. Zelda clapped a little, not moving to give the dog a morsel, which made Diamond do her act again, making sure her master understood how special her actions were and to receive her reward.

  “Just okay, Ms. Fitzsimmons?”

  “Well, I have these diaries that I kept in which I chronicled some of my childhood that I refuse to open and read,” she said.

  “Make an appointment with Callie, my receptionist, and come back for a second session and bring the diaries,” she said to Zelda.

  “I am only in town for two months,” she told the doctor.

  “The frequency of the sessions is up to you and your wallet,” Dr. DeNoid told her.

  “Will you see me several times per week, if I can afford it?”

  “No. I will see you twice per week if my schedule permits, Ms. Fitzsimmons,” Dr. DeNoid told her, rising to stand on the oversized feet. The bases of her legs appeared entirely too large for her body and the woman walked as if she were wearing fins. It made Zelda grin for selfish reasons. She may have been broken on the inside, but at least she wasn’t walking around with huge feet that looked like boat oars.

  Feeling lighter, with care she packed up Diamond, loading the doggy bag and her little darling in the case. A smile covered her face as she walked out of the office to the counter to make an appointment to come back on Friday. It was a start.

  I am starting. Right now, it was enough.

  Chapter Three- Sorting Through the Debris

  The ride over to the airport was filled with conversation since Zelda had a million questions for Chandler, but moreover, she was genuinely happy to see him. The last time she’d seen the butler was at the party at their home before she left for Las Vegas. Although she’d spoken with him on the phone when he called to inquire about Scott and Michael’s antics on their night out on the town, seeing him gave her a warm and fuzzy feeling.

  “Okay, I have a million and one questions, but first, oh my goodness, it is so good to see you,” she said once he opened the car door for her to get into the back seat.

  “It is wonderful to see you as well, Madam,” he said, encouraging her to move a bit faster.

  “What are you doing? I’m not riding in the back seat with you chauffeuring me around,” Zelda protested.

  “I would find it difficult to chauffer you in a car that is being driven by someone else,” he said, pointing to the driver in the front seat. Zelda made a small O with her mouth as she slid into the back seat, moving over so Chandler could hand her Diamond and climb in as well.

  “You aren’t driving? Where is Scott? I didn’t know your last name was Berger. So, you guys are actually brothers in more ways than one,” she said, grinning like a sex addict entering a dildo factory.

  “So many questions, Ms. Fitzsimmons,” he said softly, tapping the seat for the driver to get moving. They were on a tight time schedule and needed to be in the air in less than thirty minutes.

  “Chandler, really? I didn’t know your last name was Berger? You were adopted by Scott’s father?”

  “He did when I came over from Europe. It was difficult to get me enrolled in school without some form of guardianship. He found it easier to adopt me than to explain me,” he said. “The paperwork also made the college application process a whole lot less complicated as well as reducing my chances of being deported once my work VISA ended.”

  “Yet you serve as Scott’s butler?”

  “We all have a role to play, Ms. Fitzsimmons. I am actually family from a legal perspective, but I still have a job to do,” he told her, facing forward.

  “Okay, I have more questions, but you are closing down that conversation, which I can respect. Where is my Scott?” she said, turning in the seat to face him.

  “He is waiting for us at the airport,” Chandler said, sounding mysterious.

  Zelda wasn’t into playing games or twenty questions, so instead of pelting him with more inquiries, she faced forward in the seat, turning her head to stare out the window. Her arms crossed defensively as if she were bundling herself into a Thunder Jacket, her body stiffened. Chandler read all the cues.

  “Madam, this is to be a surprise. It would be out of my comfort zone as well as unprofessional of me to divulge details to you, ruining Mr. Berger’s plans,” he said, providing her a soft smile.

  She wanted to know why he wasn’t driving.

  She wanted to know where they were going.

  More than anything, she wanted to see her Scott.

  Her eyes remained focused out of the window, as they drove toward the airport, but the car turned to take a different exit to the airfield. Her forehead crinkled in confusion as the car sped down the exit ramp, taking a left to a private airfield. She knew the location since she’d once taken a private plane with the organizers of a large annual festival held in Austin, but the main organizer lived in Houston. There was no hiding her shock when the car entered the gated loading area to see a plane with the Berger Vent Company logo on the side along with Danny, Scott’s vent doll, emblazoned on the tail of the plane.

  “Scott has his own plane?” Zelda said, still staring out the window.

  “Yes, Madam,” Chandler said, as the car came to a stop. “Mr. Berger is on board, awaiting your arrival.”

  The driver opened Zelda’s door, helping her out as Chandler came around the vehicle to pay the chauffeur. Chandler carried the puppy in the carrier as she held the railing, climbing the stairs, each step bringing her closer to her Scottie. The excitement waned as a beautiful redhead with dazzling green eyes greeted her at the door.

  “Welcome aboard, Ms. Fitzsimmons. I am Alexandria Wesley,” the woman said, with a genuinely warm smile. She wore a black fitted pantsuit with a white blouse and a small tie. Zelda didn’t want to assume anything at this point of whether she was the stewardess or any other role in Scott’s life.

  “I’m Zelda Fitzsimmons,” she responded, shaking the hand extended to her.

  “Chandler,” Alexandria said. “We need to get in the air. Please perform the cross checks as I get clearance from the tower.”

  “Aye, Captain,” Chandler said, retracting the stairs and closing the door.

  “Mr. Berger, we should be in the air in less than 15,” Alexandria said.

  “Thank you, Ms. Wesley,” Scott said, holding a phone. He held up a hand, waving at Zelda, then pointed to the phone. A convertible tablet sat in front of him as he looked at numbers, pointing out differences, balances, and scheduling with whoever was on the other line.

  “Understandable, Thomas, but if we are going to see those types of sales, the Berger Vent Company will not and cannot mass produce dolls with inferior wood nor less than perfect fingers and toes. I will not put our name on the products,” Scott said into the phone.

  The rest of the conversation he barely heard as his spectacular woman came and sat in front of him. The last month had been a living hell being on the road to meet with buyers and potential new suppliers, leaving time to only speak with her via phone calls. He wanted to hold her, to kiss her, and to fall into her arms and sleep until the night bled into the wee hours of the morning.

  Zelda blew him a kiss as she watched Chandler perform the cross checks on the plane, and Alexandria, the pilot, disappeared into the cockpit, securing the door. The plane began a slow roll down the runway as the pilot’s voice came over the intercom.

  “Mr. Berger, I have clearance from the tower. We will be in the air in less than five minutes. Chandler, please complete the cross checks and prepare for take-off,” Alexandria said.

  Chandler moved quickly, working to batten down the hatches, pressing buttons, turning off lights, silencing buzzers, and ending
the routine by tapping three times on the cockpit door.

  “We are cleared for take-off,” Alexandria said through the intercom.

  Scott hurried with his call, forcing the meeting to come to an end. “Thomas, that is my final answer. I am taking off now from Houston, going away for a vacation. I will be back in the office in a week. Yes, you too,” Scott said, ending the conversation in the perfect middle American accent he used when talking with business associates.

  “I thought he would never shut up,” he said, looking at Zelda, the small smile growing larger, the Kentucky accent coming through loud and clear. “You are a sight for tired, sore eyes.”

  “You are looking mighty fine yourself, Mr. Berger. I missed you,” she told him.

  “Well, get over here and show me,” he said, crooking his finger at her.

  “Can’t. If I stand up, I am going to be hurled into your lap,” she said, holding onto the seat as the plane gained altitude.

  “That’s the idea,” he said, unfastening her seat belt and hoisting her from the seat into his lap. “Kiss me Zelda and tell me you love me.”

  Zelda, trying not to giggle, gave him a peck. “You love me,” she said, leaning into him. He smelled wonderful. The subtle scent of bergamot mixed with an earthy smell clung to her nostrils as she inhaled him. Imagining Scott out chopping wood for the big fireplace made her tingle. The soft kisses on her neck made her giggle some more.

  “That is all I’m going to get after not seeing this face for a whole month?” He asked, as his hand slid down her thigh and he leaned closer to nibble more on her neck.

  “Maybe you can get more if you tell me where we are heading?”

  “Vacation, Mexico,” he said, moving his lips to her mouth. He provided a long, thorough kiss which made her clench her butt cheeks, squeeze her thighs together, and pray for forgiveness for the next six thoughts which ran through her head.

  “How long is the flight?”

  Alexandria came across the intercom in a loud clear voice. “Mr. Berger, we have clear skies for the next two hours and eight minutes into Riviera Maya,” she said, clearing off the line.

  “Riviera Maya? We are actually going to Mexico,” Zelda said, pulling away, trying to pull all the pieces together and feeling like an airhead at the same time. Diamond, still in her carrier, was scared as the plane began to pressurize, causing the puppy to whine. Zelda, making clicking noises with her tongue to soothe the puppy, pulled her mouth away from Scott’s kisses. She freed her little darling from the carrier, sitting the animal in Chandler’s lap. “I didn’t know you had your own plane.”

  Chandler looked at her as if she’d handed him a pile of squishy poop. The adorable puppy climbed up his chest like a child, sprawling out her small furry body for comfort as the butler found himself, hugging the animal to soothe it.

  Scott, not wanting to be deterred from warming up his lady, pulled her back into his lap, kissing her, wanting more, but willing to wait, sliding his hand up her waist. “Yes, Quintana Roo. We have a place there. It’s our annual vacation. We are there all week,” he said as his hand made it way to her breast.

  He let out a satisfying sigh at the feel of her in his hand. Discipline, Scott. Discipline. He told himself, moving his hand back to her waist.

  “You said ‘we,’” she told him, as her hand went to his hair, tugging on the strands which were a bit longer than his normal cut. His skin around his neck, nearly hairless now, allowed for a fur ball free make out session, and the hair was severely lessened on his ears as she nipped at the lobe.

  “Yeah, family − all there. You get to meet everyone at once,” he said, fumbling with the buttons on her blouse as if he’d forgotten that Chandler was in the cabin of the aircraft with them.

  Zelda bounded from his lap, her feet planted firmly apart as he stared at him in disbelief. Did he say all the family would be there? I get to meet everyone at once. I am going to Mexico to meet his family!

  He stood up, taking her hand in his. Scott’s eyes shone with mischief as he looked at Chandler, nodding that he was planning to have some alone time with the lady. He pulled Zelda toward the back of the plane to what looked like a bedroom. She shook her head no, walking back to the main cabin and taking a seat at the work table where Scott’s tablet rested.

  “Baby?” he said, looking confused. He wanted, no, he needed to be alone with her, and she was pulling away from him.

  “Don’t baby me, Scott Berger! We are flying to Mexico to meet your family and this is how I find out! In the air. On a private plane I didn’t even know you had with your sexy airplane pilot and a butler who is legally your brother! What else don’t I know about you?” She said, looking at him and Chandler suspiciously.

  Chandler didn’t answer but opted instead to hand her Diamond and go make them all a drink. Scott’s moment of excitement went limp in disappointment as he also took a seat, waiting for his stiff drink. It was the only thing stiff now as she leaned back in the chair, her eyes squinted, allowing her tongue to touch the bottom of her lip. He visibly gulped at the sight of the pink tip of her tongue.

  “Zelda, we often deal in one of a kind items which from time to time need repair. We cannot expect owners to call DHL or FedEx when shipping a rare marionette or vent doll. Further, when we are doing shows and conferences, I cannot run the risk of merchandise or Danny being damaged in transport. Last but not least, when I make my runs in Europe, I am in the air almost every day. It is more cost and time efficient to have everything I need in one place, which is here on the plane with changes of clothing, my own bed, and my own space,” he said, raising his eyebrows a bit when saying “my own bed.”

  Her arms, folded in a sign of defense, were lowered, her hands interlocked in her lap. The lavender blouse playing off her creamy skin gave her a soft glow. Scott wanted to pick her up and take her to the bedroom and not come out until they landed.

  “Okay, but I am going to meet your family? In Mexico? Why couldn’t I meet them at the house in Kentucky?’

  “Because, my spectacular lady, this is a perfect time if you ask me. All of the family will be there, since it is our week for the villa, and you are not due back to work until Wednesday. You can meet my parents, sisters, niece, and nephew all in one shot. Oh yeah, my weirdo brother-in-law as well,” he said. “All these years later, I still don’t like that guy.”

  “Just like that?” she said, feeling her skin crawling like a bag of baby caterpillars had been dumped down the back of her blouse.

  “Zee, it’s going to be a chill week. There are beaches, shopping, loads of activities, and tons of Tequila. I am looking forward to hitting the club, dancing with you, going out to dinner, getting some fishing time with my Dad, and having some time with my lady,” he said, reaching for her again.

  “That does sound like fun,” she said, lowering her defenses.

  “I look forward to it twice a year,” Chandler said, removing his jacket. This was the first time today she’d seen him without it. “It is a vacation for me as well.”

  Scott was smiling at Chandler, who smiled back. She wanted to know what was going on between them and demanded to be let in on the private joke.

  “Madam, it is the one time I actually get to hang out with my brother in a non-work capacity,” Chandler said. “There will be staff there to take care of the family, and Grayson, the butler for the senior Mr. Berger, and I get the chance to relax and enjoy the sun, fun, and beach activities. You are going to love it.”

  Zelda gulped. “I am going to meet your sisters and your Mom,” she said hesitantly.

  “Now, my Mom, you are going to love because she hasn’t met you, but she already loves you,” Scott said, taking her hand, kissing her ring finger.

  “I’m looking forward to meeting her as well,” Zelda said, getting the warm feeling in the pit of her stomach again. She prayed she would be a nice woman and accepting of their relationship. After all, the woman was going to be her mother-in-law.

  Chapter Four – Vamos a la Playa

  Zelda never went to the bedroom on the plane with Scott, much to his disappointment. She missed spending time with her man, but she was not looking forward to meeting his mother looking or smelling like a hearty serving of been fucked. The unease of being in a confined space with Chandler being so near also didn’t sit well with her either, especially considering the butler had removed his tie and jacket in anticipation of spending time with his brother in Mexico.