A Tantalizing Tuesday (The Zelda Diaries Book 2) Page 2
“Scott, we are here,” Chandler told him.
“Can you drive around the block once more, just until I settle my nerves,” Scott said.
“Of course, Sir,” Chandler replied.
Once more around the block, provided Scott’s nerves a chance to get settled and then the car stopped. He exited the rear door of the town car, entering the building with his back straight. The glasses, which had plagued him for years, slid in the sweaty palms of his hands as he handed them to the receptionist in Dr. Wheeler’s office.
“Mr. Berger, do you have someone to drive you home after your procedure?” She asked sweetly.
“Yes, I do,” he said, his mouth dryer than an alcoholic hobo walking around sober.
“Right this way, sir,” she told him.
He looked back at Chandler, who had come through the door. His longtime friend provided a reassuring smile to him. Scott almost turned around, but Chandler said the three words which made him enter the procedure room.
“She’s worth it,” Chandler said.
Chandler was right. He had callouses on his palms to prove it. In less than three weeks, he would be able to see Zelda clearer than he’d ever seen anything in his life. He didn’t want to spend three days pushing the glasses up on his nose or worrying whether or not he would be able to see his way to the bathroom. Heaven forbid he went to the bathroom without his glasses and missed, making a mess on her bathroom floor.
For the first time, he wanted everything to be right with her. He wanted to be right for her.
“Baby steps, Scott old boy,” he said, taking a seat in the chair. “Baby steps.”
“Look forward,” Dr. Wheeler told him as he placed his chin in the brace of the machine.
Since he met Zelda Fitzsimmons, that’s all he’d been doing, taking baby steps. More importantly, he was looking forward to three days in Houston. He had no idea what she had planned and he didn’t give a shit as long as he was with her.
“Ready,” he told the doctor. “I am as ready as I shall ever be.”
The recovery time on the surgery was far faster than he’d expected. It was a complete change of his life to wake up and could actually see. He felt like a moron for putting the surgery off for so long. Especially after waking up to clear vision. It was also a big dose of reality when he looked at himself in the mirror.
“She slept with that monster?” he said, frowning at his pockmarked, acne-laced skin. The two front teeth seemed larger than normal, leaving him with a feeling of yucky that almost lasted all day.
His disposition improved a great deal when he looked at the repairs he’d made to Danny’s nose. It was stellar work. There were a few other things he began to see clearer as well. The surroundings of his life were as bleak as his vision. It became more obvious each day that a man with poor eyesight resided in the home. He started with a good look at where he woke up each morning. The bedroom in which he resided was too dark.
The carpet was heavy, the drapes were dull and the room had no life in it.
Once he reached his office, he noticed the same thing.
“Carolyn,” he buzzed his assistant. “Can you come in here, please?”
She arrived in his office to see him without the trademark glasses. The bushy eyebrows were trimmed and his skin appeared cleaner.
“Yes, Mr. Berger,” Carolyn said, looking at the small changes he’d made which had a big impact on his appearance.
“I want this office painted. I think a mural of Danny on that wall would be great. Have someone take these paintings off the wall and move them over to the museum. I am going to get you some images of me at the conferences doing repairs that can be framed and added to the walls in here. Make the wall behind me an accent point in a vibrant blue and...,” he said looking down at his feet. “...get rid of this rug.”
“Yes, Sir,” she told him, making notes of his request. “What do you want me to do with the rug?”
“Have it cleaned and if you would like it, you can have it. If not, ship it over to museum as well,” he told her.
“I can have that rug?” she asked in disbelief.
“I’m sorry. I meant no offense. If you don’t want it, I understand,” he said with a faint smile.
“Oh, I want it. I just can’t believe you are giving it to me. Isn’t that rug hand dyed with vegetable dies?”
“It is,” he said. “I didn’t know you knew that.”
“Yes, I do know that. Yes, I am taking that rug home today and it is going in my formal dining room,” she said.
Carolyn got down on her knees and started rolling up the rug. Mumbling to herself, she prayed aloud thanking Jesus for His bounty and grace. Scott was too stunned for a moment to move.
“Stop it,” he told her. “Call someone to come get this, to take it to have it cleaned, send me the bill and have it delivered to your home.”
“Yes, sir,” she told him. “Anything else, Mr. Berger?”
“Some lunch sounds good. I am going to work straight through today. I have a great deal to prep before heading to Texas. Please confirm all of my appointments and times. I am in Houston from the seventeenth through the twentieth,” he told her, taking a seat behind his desk.
Scott looked up from his computer to see Carolyn staring at him.
“Is everything okay, Carolyn?”
“You have nice eyes,” she said. “I never noticed before behind the glasses.”
“Thanks,” he told her. “Is that all?”
“Sir, permission to speak freely,” she said
Leaning forward on the desk, he folded his arms as he waited for whatever Carolyn was going to say. She’d been his assistant from the day he took over the company from his father nearly ten years ago. There wasn’t much she didn’t know about him.
“By all means, Carolyn. I wouldn’t expect anything less,” he told her.
“I love her,” she said flatly.
“Love who?” He asked.
“The woman who walked up on the stage and kissed you last week. Zelda Fitzsimmons,” she said.
Surprised by such an odd admission, he asked, “Do you know Ms. Fitzsimmons?”
“No, I don’t, Sir,” she said slowly as if she were regretting bringing up the subject.
Scott held up his hands as if he were asking her what the hell she was talking about. Carolyn sighed deeply.
“Sir, she walked in that crowded room, unafraid and unashamed to claim you as her man. She kissed you in front of everyone in that conference to let them all know you were off the market and hers. The change in you since last week is astonishing. I haven’t seen you happy in a very long time. There’s a new energy in you, a different feel, a powerful vibe and it’s not just the glasses, the eyebrows, and some skin treatments either,” she said lowering her head.
He stood up, slowly. Walking around the desk to stand in front of her, arms to his side. His hand lifted her chin forcing her to look him in the eyes.
“I am putting it all out there for this woman. I just need you to make me one promise, Carolyn,” he said.
“Anything you need, Sir,” she said.
“If it all comes crashing down on my head in six months, promise me you will not judge, but help put this old egg back together again?”
“Sir, I have a feeling this one is the right one,” she said.
“I do too,” he told her, giving her a warm bear hug.
“Oh my,” she said as he gave her a little lift from the floor.
“Now, get back to work!” he said, laughing.
Seeing her boss smile was wonderful. Getting rid of those hideous paintings of antique creepy dolls was even better. However, the greatest moment was him getting rid of the dull walls and giving her that rug she’d wanted since the day she was hired ten years ago. The only times she’d ever seen him walk on or across it was in his stocking feet. That is what she loved about working with him.
He saw her.
He took care of his things.
He was
going to take care of the little lady who made a point of getting on stage with him and kissing Scott. In her mind, this meant that Zelda woman was also going to take care of her boss.
Carolyn, too, found herself smiling.
Chapter 3
Sunday, Houston, Texas
Michael walked into the newly decorated space his sister had created to stare in awe at the transformation. None of it was overdone, but perfect for the size, depth, and context of the space. It felt like she actually lived here now versus a place for her to sleep and watch television.
“I cannot wait to meet this man,” Michael said, touching the decorative pillows.
In the past few days, he had watched his sister flitter about the house on airy winged feet preparing for the man’s arrival this evening. His intentions were to be nowhere near their home. If Zelda was doing all of this for his arrival, he didn’t want to accidentally overhear any of her excitement of their celebration when the actually man arrived.
She was excited.
Overly excited.
Three shots of espresso excited.
“I am eager for you to meet him, but maybe not tonight,” she said, grinning. “Then again, I dunno. What do you think?”
“About what?”
“You want to meet him in the morning or have dinner with us this evening?” she asked.
Before her brother could answer, her cell phone rang. Scott was calling her. Zelda’s palms grew sweaty, her pulse quickened, and the grin got larger.
“Oh my goodness, it’s him....shhh shh!” she told her brother.
Michael stood still, looking over his shoulder, wondering whom she was telling to be quiet. “Who you shushing?” he asked as she grabbed the phone. Her finger pressed to her lips, indicating her brother needed to be quiet.
“Hi, Scott,” she said in a low sultry voice.
Michael stuck his finger in his mouth as if he were gagging as she tried to sound sexy on the phone. Zelda tried not to laugh at the childhood antic that he always used when she did something he found nauseating. Michael could hear the deep voice through the phone.
“Hello, Darling,” the voice said.
He watched his sister’s knees buckle as she fumbled to find the couch to sit down. “How is my big strong man?”
“Your big strong man has some bad news,” Scott told her.
Zelda’s body almost crumpled. “You aren’t coming, are you?”
The disappointment on her face immediately launched Michael into protective mode. His body grew stiff, his muscles tense. The look on his face implied he would go through the phone to beat her big strong man’s ass if he let his sister down.
“Oh no, Darling, I am going to be there, no matter what. I am just not going to make it in time for dinner,” he said. “I hope being an hour or two later is not a deal breaker?”
The relief on her face was enough to ease Michael’s tension. He relaxed his body.
“Oh no, that’s okay. I hope everything is going as planned for you,” she said.
“No, not quite. I had to break up the meetings and flight times or I would be half dead from exhaustion when I got there. I am leaving San Antonio now, which should put me at your house at about nine. Again, my apologies. I had planned to be there by six,” he told her.
“It’s okay. Should I keep dinner warm for you?”
“No,” he said in a lowered voice. “As long as you’re hot when I get there, I will be just fine.”
“Hey now! That I can do,” she said.
“Again, Zelda, I am sorry. If it is okay, can I stay until Wednesday morning and see you off to work before I head out since our time was cut short today?”
“Scott, you can stay as long as you like,” she told him.
“Don’t tempt me. See you in a few hours,” he said.
“See you then. Do you need me to come get you? You have the address?”
“I have everything I need but you,” he said. “Any special requests? Roses, diamonds, rubies?”
There was laughter in his voice when he said it. Zelda laughed with him, “Sure, I could use a new pair of diamond earring studs, I am fond of rubies and I love flowers. Surprise me with something fantastic,” she said joking.
“Can do. See you soon,” he said and hung up the phone.
She looked at Michael. “He’s not going to make dinner,” she said, looking disappointed.
“What are you going to do if he brings you the earrings?” Michael asked out of curiosity.
“Wear them! What the hell do you think I’m going to do with them? Besides he was joking, I just went with it. I don’t need any diamond earrings,” she said.
“Yeah, but does he know that?” Michael asked.
Zelda’s face went blank as if the reason for the existence of mankind had been revealed to her. She reacted as if the great voice in the sky sending her instructions on her next steps to prepare for his arrival showed on her face. Michael, again, was uneasy.
“What’s wrong, Zelda?”
“I just realized I don’t have any lingerie! I need some lingerie,” she said, looking about the floor for her shoes.
Michael pointed at himself, looking at her with confusion on his face. “Hello, big brother here...”
“Oh hush up! You know I’m planning on getting me some, that’s why you are leaving. I need lingerie. Where are my keys?” she asked.
“Do me a favor in the future, Sis? I don’t need to know that. As a matter of fact, I appreciate you never letting me in on that part of your life,” he said.
“Dude, I am 36 years old. You know I am no virgin, and my eggs are starting to ferment and pickle. If I don’t get this part of my life moving, you will never be an uncle,” she said, picking up her purse. “While we are on the subject, those tadpoles are getting stunted as well. You need to be making me a few nieces and nephews, too!”
“Now you need to hush. I am not sure if I want kids,” he told her. “Until now, you have never said if you wanted any either.”
“Of course, I want to be a mother!”
“Yeah, but does this Scott dude want to be the father of these babies?”
“Right now, big brother, the only Daddy I need him to be is mine,” she told her brother. “Now mama needs something sexy, red, and lacy.”
Zelda walked past him, but he grabbed her arm.
“Save your money, Sis. Men don’t really want lingerie. It’s designed to make you feel sexy. Most men get turned on at the sight of his woman in a tee shirt, a pair of white panties, and no bra.”
“Really? That does it for you?”
“The simple fact that when he arrives, you are waiting, ready to be with him, and not nagging the shit out of him is a turn on by itself,” he said to her.
“Thanks, Mike,” she said.
“You’re welcome,” he told responded said. “Why?”
“If he arrives and you are in a cropped tee with his favorite team, he would probably lose his mind,” he said. Why am I telling her this?
The grin that covered her face was wide as she picked up the phone and called his office. Scott had spoken several times about his right hand, Carolyn. He often commented that he could not run the business without her. If anyone knew his favorite team, it would be her. She was calling with the hopes that Carolyn would answer his office line. The phone rang and a clear voice, with a heavy Kentucky accent answered the main line.
“Scott Berger’s office. This is Carolyn. How may I help you?”
“Carolyn, this is Zelda Fitzsimmons and I have a crazy question,” she said.
“Hello, Ms. Fitzsimmons. How can I be of assistance?”
“What is Mr. Berger’s favorite sports team?”
“Manchester United. He is a huge soccer fan,” she said.
“What about American sports?”
“He likes the Chicago Bulls,” Carolyn said.
“Thank you, Carolyn,” she responded.
“Is there anything else I can help you with, Ms. Fitzsimm
“No, that’s all. Have a great day,” Zelda replied.
“You as well,” Carolyn said hanging up the phone.
Zelda looked at Michael. “I have to go get a Chicago Bulls or Manchester United tee shirt,” she said.
“I know just the place,” he said. “Let’s ride.” Suddenly, her joy and excitement filtered over to him and he too was anticipating the arrival of this Scott.
I just hope I like him.
Chapter 4
Sunday Night, Houston, Texas
Scott stood on the wraparound front porch that held a swing, three rockers, and terra cotta pots in varying sizes that showcased beautiful arrays of colored blooming perennials. The lit sconces shone brightly as if the lights were welcoming him home after a long day at the office. Solar charged luminaries lined the driveway and walking path, promoting the perfectly edged thick green evenly cut grass that looked like carpet. The house was much larger than he had expected. Surprised by his own reaction to the front porch, he imagined himself sitting in the rocker as his son chased their daughter across the front lawn with a little frog in his hand. This, in his estimation, was living.
He rang the doorbell, still focused on the well-maintained lawn. His back was to the door when it opened, Scott’s attention was still on the front porch. Hope filled him as he mentally planned to spend tomorrow afternoon in that rocker to his immediate right, a cold beer in one hand, Zelda’s fingers in the other as he watched the sun set on the day. The stupid smile remained plastered on his face when she called his name.
“Scott, hey there,” she said. “Welcome to Houston.”
He turned slowly the smile stuck as he saw what Zelda was wearing.
“Hey, you’re not wearing any glasses,” she said, immediately noticing his eyes.
“Hey, you are not wearing any pants,” he responded, immediately noticing her legs.
“I figured what’s the point in putting on a pair since they would be the second thing you took off. So, where are your glasses?”
“I figured why put them on since they would the first thing you would take off me,” he said with a smile.