A Weekend with the Blakemores (The Blakemore Files Book 8) Read online

Page 12

  “No problema,” Eduardo said with a nod of his head.

  Tonda’s fingers seem to play a tune on the wall as a door opened to a weapons room nearly as wide and deep as the office in which they were standing.

  “Oooooh,” all the men said at the same time.

  The walls were laden with everything from Ninja stars, knives, guns, automatics, semi-automatics, rifles, shotguns, guns with silencers, and weapons of war.

  Saxton swallowed hard. “Good grief, I just got a woody!”

  “Me too man,” Kevin Jr. said as they all stepped into the room.

  “Everything is loaded and ready to rock and roll as you say. If anything is to happen, this is your second stop,” Eduardo said. “If you are in your quarters, move the lamp on the night stand to the left and a weapon will come from the wall.”

  Dusty looked at him with wide eyes. “What in the entire hell do you have here?”

  Eduardo looked at him with incredulity. “Señor Dusty...really? I am a drug Czar. I am a kingpin of two continents. For centuries, generations of my family have lived in this home. We have come under attack and this house, the Delgado name and everything we believe in is still standing. It will not fall under my watch. I am prepared for any eventuality. No one. No one shall harm my family nor take away anything in which we have built here. And no one shall harm any of you. If we are to come under fire, I need to know if you will stand with me to fight?”

  “Oh I am with you, I just ain’t never seen no shit like this in real life,” Dusty said.

  Kevin Jr. was reaching for a knife. Eduardo stepped back, grabbing his fingers. “Please note that each of the knives and stars are dipped in Fer de Lance venom. If the skin breaks...”

  Kevin Jr. pulled back his hand.

  Mara came around the corner. “Señor Delgado, dinner is served.”

  “Thank you Mara,” he told her. She hung back in his office as all the men left.

  “A word please, Señor” she said. Marianna and Tonda stood firm waiting to hear what she had to say.

  “Señor, we did not have enough staff for dinner, so I hired three of mis amigas from three different villages to lend a hand. I have been informed that there are strange men in each of the villages,” Mara told him.

  “I am aware of this Mara,” he told her. “They arrived this morning.”

  “You know these men Señor Delgado?”

  “I do not,” he said. “As the assistant to the Lady of the Land, if anything happens, your job is to protect my daughter. You shall protect her with your life.”

  “Si, Señor Delgado,” Mara said. “And the Lady of the Land?”

  “My wife will be just fine,” he said.

  In the hallway before entering the dining room, Big Sarge and Bobby Ray pulled Saxton aside.

  “Saxton, I don’t know why my daughters love you dangerous men, but in a pinch, is he as bad ass as he pretends to be?” Big Sarge asked.

  “Yeah, son, I want to know that as well. You saw him in action in Panama, is he...?”

  Saxton inhaled deep, “I can honestly tell you, I wouldn’t want to go one on one with him. What I saw in Panama when we went in to get Kevin Jr., is that he has no fear. That can be a dangerous thing for all of us. It could compromise us. I mean I was guarded by a hallway full of snakes, he came down the hall with a broom, pushing them to the side. One cobra came through the door and he didn’t even flinch when he told me to shoot it.”

  Bobby Ray said, “Speaking of that! I saw him handle a Black Mamba with a stick and some tongs the other day. That big ass snake scared the piss out of me, and he was a calm as a school marm on her way to church.”

  Big Sarge was frowning. “So you are saying that my daughter married a sociopath?”

  Saxton said, “No what I am saying Big Sarge is that Eduardo Delgado is one bad muther...,”

  “Shut yo mouth!” Eduardo piped in as he walked up. “I love that movie! Come, it is time to feast, we do not want to be late.”

  Ryanne waited for him at the door to the dining room. In their bedroom she was so engrossed in finding something to wear that she had not noticed her husband. He wore a black tux, black tassled shoes, and had a very conservative haircut. Eduardo Delgado looked as if he’d just stepped off the pages of GQ Magazine. The scraggy beard was trimmed to a manageable goatee. The sideburns were neatly shaped and the thick black hair which hung about his shoulders was gone. He had a very neat, high and tight cut that shaved ten years off his face.

  “You have stolen my breath,” Ryanne said as she touched the short hair.

  “I prefer to have stolen your heart mi esposa,” he said.

  “I like the haircut,” she said.

  “It is my new style, courtesy of the Jason,” he said with a smile.

  She also noticed Tonda’s new haircut. He too looked dashing in his tuxedo which appeared to be in a losing fight with his muscles. He took his place outside the door, ready to take watch.

  “Not tonight Tonda,” she said. “Tonight is about family, take your place at the table,” she said.

  His eyes were wide as he looked to his boss. Eduardo’s eyes too grew wide when he looked into the dining room. The long table was gone as smaller tables filled the dining space, converting it into a restaurant atmosphere. Soft music played as he noticed both of his pilots at a seated as well as Marianna and Julianna. The families were dispersed with a Trodat, a Degaldo, and a Blakemore at each table.

  Eduardo Delgado was filled with emotions, which came out in his voice. “I have not seen this room filled since I was but a boy,” he said. “My children have never seen this room filled or the house completely open. My pilots, Marianna, Julianna, Tonda, are dining with us?”

  “They are our family, Eddie. Each time you take off, each time that plane leaves to bring our children home, or to take us anywhere, our lives are in their hands,” she said.

  “I cannot begin to tell you what you have brought to my life, Ryanne,” he said.

  “Just don’t you forget it, tough guy,” she said. As they passed the families to take their seats, she stopped to touch Yuńior’s unruly hair.

  “No haircut for you?” She asked.

  “No, Señora,” he said.

  She raised an eyebrow.

  “I do not want it cut, by anyone,” he said.

  Ryanne patted his shoulder and raised her hand. A side door from the kitchen opened as six young women entered with trays of food placed upon each table. As quietly as they entered, they left, returning with more food and more wine as soft music in the background switched to jazz.

  Eduardo barely touched his meal as he watched, listened, and took it all in. He’d overheard Saxton’s words about him having no fear. I have fear, just not the kind that you do Blakemore. A year. It had only been a year since he sent Mateo’s head home in a box. He watched Raoul and Marianna share a meal. She wasn’t aware that he knew of their relationship. He would speak with her about having the wedding soon.

  He spotted other small interactions as well between Tonda and Kevin’s bug woman. A warm spot in his heart began to thaw the icy patches which had held him emotionally stunted for years. The scene before him was everything he had hoped for from his first wife. Life was taking a nice turn for him that he had no intention of allowing it to leave as he observed the joy in the room.

  Odessa fed pieces of food to Saxton. Sue Ella cut up the meat for Dusty whose hand was all but limp. Bobby Ray couldn’t seem to keep his hands off of Lucille and Connard was all smiles as Jason, happy a lark, sat at the table amongst his lover’s family and friends. Big Sarge sat next to Jason, staring at the man as he fed Connard finger foods. Dora swatted him on the arm to get him to eat and stop staring.

  Grandma Patsy was seated next to Eduardo, keeping her eye on the drug Czar. She too noticed the small things about him, but moreover, she noticed that he was filled with emotions that he was failing miserably at hiding. The room full of family and friends was something knew to him– she could te

  “You try to pretend you are so tough,” she said under her breath. “I know you are nothing but mush inside.”

  “You are wrong Señora Patsy. I am a cold-blooded killer as ruthless as the day is long,” he told her. “I just have manners and breeding.”

  She wore the emerald earrings he had given her when he brought Saxton and Kevin Jr. home from Panama.

  “A woman like me would have tamed a man like you,” she said.

  Eduardo leaned forward, almost whispering in her ear. “Do not trifle with me old woman. If my wife were not such a magnificent creature, I would take you in the other room and break your hip,” he said to her without a smile on his face and an evil glimmer in his eye. “When I had my fill of you, I would make you beg me for more then send you home in a wheelchair bound for the senior’s residence,” he said into her ear.

  Grandma Patsy burst out laughing in the most unladylike fashion. Eduardo leaned back in the chair as if he had said nothing at all as every head in the room looked at Grandma Patsy blushing like a schoolgirl. As much as she tried to enjoy the meal, her gaze would wander back to Eduardo, who still was not eating. The dinner party commenced without a hitch. Bellies were full, smiles were bright, and laughter filled the crevices of the old home.

  “Please, please, everyone, join us in the living room,” Ryanne told the group after dessert. “Coffee service will begin shortly.”

  Chairs, tufts, and benches were arranged in the front parlor to seat everyone around the grand piano. Mara and her helpers came forward with cognacs, after dinner drinks and coffee as Ryanne sat behind the piano. She was accompanied by Eduardo on Spanish guitar and Yuńior on violin.

  Marianna spoke up, “Tonight, we are honored to share with you how we spend our Friday nights at Las Tierras. We hope you enjoy the musical selections. The foyer is open for dancing should you feel inclined.”

  Eduardo strummed the guitar starting a few chords as Ryanne joined in, followed by Yuńior on violin. All eyes were fixed when Eduardo opened his mouth, the baritone filling the space with a Spanish song, so clear and beautiful that Grandma Patsy begin to cry. He stopped playing the guitar, rising, still singing as he walked over to her, his hand extended for a dance. He continued singing as he led her on the floor, holding her body close to his.

  The piano stopped playing.

  A solo note sang out from the violin as Eduardo stepped back, still holding Grandma Patsy’s hands, his clear voice reaching the rafters, bellowing out the last notes from the bottom of his toes. He ended the song with his head down, waiting for the ridicule he expected to follow. Ryanne played the last bar of the song, ending his performance as eyes, which had seen so much ugly, filled with tears. He blinked furiously as applause filled the room.

  The one thing he’d wanted his entire life was an audience in which to hear his music. The desire to perform for his family and friends had always been denied him because of his duty to the Delgado legacy, then his children, to the land, to the villagers, to honor, and to the cartel. A talented musician and gifted artist had been ripped from him and tonight, he’d be given an opportunity to share his true talent. His wife knew what he needed.

  She’d made this happen for him.

  Ryanne showed her family the man she had fallen in love with and married. Her Eddie, the musician. He laughed as he wiped his eyes.

  “If any of you repeat you saw me shed tears, you do know that I will kill you,” he said without a smile.

  “Another Eduardo,” Dora called out. “Plus, I get the next dance.”

  Grandma Patsy held up her old fist, shaking at Dora, clenching her teach, “Take a number sister!”

  The merriment continued into the night as Odessa began dancing with Mr. Blakemore. Eduardo retired to his room, and the group slowly broke up, heading for bed. Others soon followed.

  Kevin Jr. entered his bedroom, undressing for the evening, removing his pants, when he heard a voice. He turned to find Julianna in his room.

  “How in the hell did you get in here?” he asked.

  Julianna asked, ‘The bug woman, she has another room no?”

  “Yes, she does,” he said trying to cover the front of himself with his pants. “How...where is the panel?”

  “The panel is here. Please, lock the door so we shall not be disturbed,” Julianna told him.

  “No, no, and no,” he said. “Eduardo is not going to kill me for touching you. Leave my room Julianna.”

  With one hand she unzipped her dress, letting the fabric pool at her feet. “Are you sure Kevin? Or do you just talk the big talk which you cannot back up with your actions?”

  “Oh I can back it up, but here and now is not the time,” he said.

  “There is no time like now,” she said sitting, then lying back on his bed. “You can come over here and possibly die tomorrow a happy man, or if you would prefer, I can leave.”

  In hindsight he should have made her leave. In real time, he couldn’t see any reason for her to get dressed. He wanted an answer to his need for clarity. It showed up in his room through a hidden door.

  “Damn you clarification,” he said moving towards her, joining her on the bed.

  Down the hall, a soft knock was heard on Tonda’s door. He opened it to find Mary Jean standing there. His face showed no expression as she dipped her head, entering his room under the massive arm which held the door open. She pulled five condoms from her pocket. “I hope these are enough,” she said taking a seat on his bed.

  In English, he too asked for clarification.

  “You are Kevin Jr.’s woman. You should not be here,” he said.

  “I am Kevin’s friend,” Mary Jean responded.

  “So am I. It is not a good thing to do, asking me to disrespect him by bedding his woman,” Tonda said.

  “Oh shut up and get over here because I am about to disrespect the hell out of your big ole ass,” Mary Jean said.

  “I am not comfortable with this, little bug lady. I am asking you to leave,” he said going back to the door. Mary Jean didn’t budge from the bed, but instead removed her top, then her bra, her breasts freed from the tight dress, bouncing and beckoning Tonda to come take his fill.

  “I need you to get comfortable, because I have been ready for you since I laid eyes on you. Kevin Jr. and I have an open relationship. I am free to do as I please, and so is he,” she said. “I am not his woman. Tonight, I want to be yours.”

  Tonda said something in Spanish that she didn’t understand nor did she care. He moved to the bed picking her up like a feather as she held on tight around his neck. Her mouth going to his, kissing him as if she’d been missing him for six years.

  “That’s it Big Daddy, do your worst,” Mary Jean whispered in his ear.

  They were not the only people making love as the night passed slowly turning into day. Tomorrow was the cookout and the tea with the ladies. More fun was planned for the families as another darker force planned to crash the party. The Blakemore holiday was about to take a turn.

  Chapter Fifteen – A Pig and a Poke

  Saturday– Las Tierras

  The men left early on a ride into the village in search of a pig to roast. Big Sarge, Roget, Kevin Jr., and Dusty opted to remain at the house. A light breakfast was served since a large dinner had been consumed the previous night. Jason, clad in a kimono, came into the kitchen for coffee.

  “Are we having some kind of tea or something today?” he asked Ryanne.

  “Yes, we will have high tea at noon as the pig is put on the roaster,” she said looking at him. “You have your choice of whether you want to be inside or out.”

  “Thank you,” he said.

  “For what?”

  “Not being judgmental, for giving me a choice, and for being welcoming,” he said softly. “I know sometimes I can be a mite much.”

  Ryanne moved closer to him as he clutched the cup tightly. “Jason, those who love you don’t require you to compensate for acceptance. Look at my husband. He is
one of the deadliest and scariest men on the planet, but last night, everyone was able to see him for who he actually is. That is something very rare. No one thought any less of him. No one will think any less of you.”

  His bottom lip quivered.

  “You are some kind of amaze-balls Black Barbie,” he said.

  “And you are some kind of fierce,” she said. “Now, got put on some clothes. We don’t walk around half clad.”

  “Sorry,” he said. “Ryanne, will Connard and I be invited back?”

  “I will discuss it with my husband and his security team, but I don’t see a reason why you would not be welcomed here. Besides, I love that haircut on my man,” she told him.

  “He did look hot didn’t he?”

  “Oh yeah!”

  He laughed as he went up the stairs. Before long it would be time for tea. Margherit was also in the kitchen. Her eyes on Ryanne.

  “Is something wrong Margherit?” She asked the cook.

  “A long time...,” she started in English, but it was a struggle. “I have not seen so many in the home, since the Czar’s Mama. It...nice. Lots of work. Nice.”

  “I tell you what Margherit, we won’t be doing it again this big any time soon. I am tired, I know you are, but thank you. The food has been amazing. My family, Saxton’s family, we all are so grateful,” she said.

  “The thank you...is important...the appreciation means much,” she said to Ryanne.

  “You will have a week of holiday after this Margherit, you deserve it,” Ryanne said looking at her watch. “Ooh, gotta get started. I don’t want to be late.”

  She took off for the stairs rushing to her room for Isabella’s morning feeding and to spend some one on one time with her mother.

  Bobby Ray asked the question which was also on Connard and Saxton’s mind as they rode to the next village.

  “Eduardo, what was wrong with that pig?” Bobby Ray asked after they had made three stops in the village to look for the perfect animal to roast for supper. The sun was coming up and it was getting warm. The horses didn’t seem to be tired, but he was.